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At the start of the course, I wanted to come out of this module with a better command of English and communication skills (especially presentation skills), as I do not really have a knack for presentation. Back in polytechnic, at least for my course, we were not critically evaluated for presentations, so I never really had a chance to go through a proper presentation or properly prepare for one. For almost all my presentations back then, I made sure I had my script in hand and presented every word I had typed out on my script when I presented. Most of the time, I would just slap on any pictures I thought was relevant without citations and write out most of the points I had to say. However, after going through this module, I have learnt that there is so much more to presentations then that. As I went through my first presentation in UCS, I tried my very best to present without a script while being engaging at the same time. When doing research, I made sure that I properly credited the p...

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